The full name of BSCI is Business Social Compliance Initiative, which means Business Social standard certification.

BSCI is a universal monitoring system for compliance with social responsibility in European society, which aims to continuously improve the social responsibility performance of production and supply facilities around the world. In short, it is the review of human rights and working environment of the supply factory.

The scope of BSCI audit includes management practices, documentary evidence, working hours, remuneration, child labor/minors, forced labor/punitive measures/prisoner labor, freedom of association/freedom of collective bargaining, discrimination, working conditions, health and society, facilities, occupational safety and health, dormitories and environment.

The whole audit process includes three parts:

A: Main information

B: BSCI Social Responsibility Requirements

C: Industry best practices, such as SA8000 or equivalent certification scheme.

The audit procedure shall be repeated every 3 years, starting with the initial audit.